Welcome Pack

Welcome to The Nursery School! We look forward to sharing our happy, homely environment with you. Here is some information and tips for you and your child/children during their time at our nursery.

Key person

Your child will be allocated a key person, based on which member of staff they seem most comfortable with, who will be responsible for monitoring their development and looking after their well-being. The key person will make sure that your child settles into nursery well and provide any emotional support that your child requires during the settling in process. The key person will be a familiar figure who is always available to your child. They will also discuss your child’s development with you on a termly basis and be your first point of contact for your child’s time spent at The Nursery School.

Home visit

Before your child starts at The Nursery School, we will offer an optional home visit from the manager or your child’s key person. If you choose to welcome us into your home, your child will see us as friends and understand that the people who will be caring for them are trusted by you. On a home visit, we will chat about your child, learn their current interests and answer any questions you may have. We will visit you shortly before your child is going to start nursery so that the gap between seeing us and starting nursery is as short as possible for your child.

Things to provide

-        A named water bottle for every session.

-        A named piece of fruit or vegetable for morning snack.

-        A named lunchbox.

-        A named coat and in winter hats, scarves, gloves etc.

-        A bag of spare clothes.

-        A named pair of wellies.

-        If your child is in nappies/pull-ups, you will need to provide these along with wipes, nappy sacks and nappy cream if required.

-        Please avoid bringing toys to nursery with your child as we do not want them to be lost or damaged. If your child requires a comforter, please leave it in their bag and notify a member of staff so that it can be accessed if needed.

-        Named Sun cream and hat when appropriate.

-        Please ensure your child wears good sturdy shoes.

-        Waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat- please avoid all-in-one waterproof suits as these are very difficult to put on and take off in a nursery environment.

When dropping off…

-        Please sign your child in and write the time.

-        Check the parent information board in the porch for any important notices.

-        Your child will need to bring their morning snack and water bottle into nursery with them. 

When collecting…

-        Remember to pick up any snack boxes your child may have and their water bottle.

-        Sign your child out on the same register that you signed in on. 

Important information

-        We do not allow children to be taken from The Nursery School by someone other than a parent, without parental consent and your child’s password which you will provide on the registration form. In the event of an emergency, please phone The Nursery School.

-        We cannot administer any medication without parental consent. If your child has been prescribed a medication that they have not had before, please make sure that they stay at home for the first 48 hours of taking this medication to ensure there is no adverse reactions and for the medication to take effect.

-        Your child must not come into The Nursery School for 48 hours after they have had sickness or diarrhoea.

-        If your child is absent please let us know either by phone or email.

-        If you wish to view our policies, please ask a member of staff who will provide you with these.

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